Reset our Validation ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

Please the Creator not the Creation.

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Validation, my sister, is something we all yearn for deep down โ€“ that need to feel respected, heard, and appreciated.

Trust me when I say, I've struggled with validation, and the struggle continues.

Validation, it turns out, comes in two forms: internal and external.

Knowing that someone, even if that someone is you, values your efforts is incredibly empowering.

Now, internal validation is the ability to pat yourself on the back and recognise your own worth.

It's the fuel that keeps you going when life gets tough.

But here's the tricky part โ€“ external validation.

It's the kind that's based on what other people think of you.

I've been there, making choices that I'm not particularly proud of, all because of what others thought.

It's alarming how we're conditioned to judge our worth based on things like social media metrics and how we look through someone else's eyes.

Instead of savoring the beauty of our teenage years, we're caught up worrying about our appearance and how others perceive us.

These negative thought patterns can steer us away from our true selves.

The reason we chase external validation is often rooted in self-doubt.

We forget to appreciate our intrinsic value, and so we seek approval from others.

But here's something we have to understand.

Human beings are rarely satisfied.

Seeking validation from Allah is where the gold is.

When your actions align with your beliefs, and you aim to please Allah, everything falls into place.

You find inner peace, free from the relentless pursuit of likes or material possessions.

So, when you catch yourself craving external validation, consciously shift your focus to seeking Allah's pleasure.

In a nutshell, the golden rule is to do everything with the intention of pleasing Allah.

When you make that shift, you'll find contentment, purpose, and a clear path forward in everything you do.

Hereโ€™s a quote to sum todayโ€™s edition nicely.

From your sister in Islam,

Amal ( ุฃู…ู„)