Reset for Personal Growth💟

caution this user is under renovation 🚧

Asslamu alaikum,

My dear sister, how are YOU doing today?

I am doing alright, except for the sound of drilling happening next door.

It's almost driving me crazy!

But hey, we are all up for renovations.

Just like my neighbors are renovating their home, we have the chance to renovate our lives.

I hope you enjoy this episode!

SubhanAllah, the first week of Muharram has already sped past.

This is our time to rewrite our story.

A new year has given us a fresh start, a chance to cultivate what we have and explore new opportunities.

We just had the Day of Arafat, and fasting on that day can wipe away our sins from the previous year and the year to come—1444 and 1446.

Coming up soon is the Day of Ashura, the 10th day of Muharram, where fasting gives us forgiveness for the previous year, 1445.

It's like Allah is offering us a clean slate.

Imagine that!

So why not make the most of this opportunity?

Along with fasting and praying our daily salahs on time, what else can we do to level up our lives and earn Allah’s pleasure?

How can we truly become someone Allah is pleased with?

I was listening to a YouTuber called Bahja today—may Allah be pleased with her—who mentioned that to succeed in our goals, we just need to find one area in our life to work on and spend one hour of our busy schedules on it.

I might be paraphrasing, but that was the gist. I’ll link the video down below!

Her ideas always resonated with me—from creating a vision board to starting the day doing something slightly out of your comfort zone.

One thing about me, I absolutely love watching content on self-improvement and growth, especially after being stuck in a rut.

Now, the question of the day is: what area in my life do I want to see success in? I'm still figuring it out.

There are many areas that need work, from health to my career to even my personal hygiene.

There are so many goals I want to achieve, but I need to focus on just one at a time.

After all, I am only human and can tackle so much at once.

What areas in your life do you want to see progress?

Shoot me an email and you can inspire me too!

We’re in this together, for real.

Have a good week!!


Amal <3

P.S. This is the link to Bahja’s video I was mentioning above! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)